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Submission Guidelines for Entrepreneur Insider

Welcome to Entrepreneur Insider! To ensure the highest quality and relevance of content, please follow these comprehensive submission guidelines. Adhering to these steps will help you make a meaningful contribution to our community.

By using our Services, you are agreeing to the Terms of Service (“Terms”). Some of our Services allow you to submit or store content including but not limited to press releases. When you submit or store content to or through our Services, you must follow these editorial guidelines. Please read them carefully.

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Content Standards

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Optio accusamus placeat quisquam numquam dolore odio magnam, repellat culpa blanditiis nobis reprehenderit eius quae neque recusandae. Exercitationem, consequuntur aperiam ullam non distinctio adipisci libero quis reprehenderit ipsa.


  • Content must be presented in a professional format suitable for news distribution.
  • Avoid using HTML tags, non-standard characters, tables, or forced line breaks.

Language and Tone:

  • Avoid inflammatory language, hyperbole, or unverified opinions.
  • Maintain an objective tone and avoid direct address such as “you,” “I,” or “we” unless in a quotation.
  • Do not use exclamation points, excessive capital letters, or hyperbolic claims that could undermine credibility.


  • Ensure that all content is accurate and free from potentially libelous material.
  • Clearly distinguish opinions from facts and attribute opinions to their sources.
  • Cite fact-checked news sources and provide explicit attribution to authorized sources, such as court documents.

Content Restrictions

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Magni nemo delectus exercitationem tenetur? Dolor impedit unde molestias ratione architecto dignissimos voluptate repudiandae laborum tempora, dolore dolorem sequi iure ipsam, corrupti quaerat aliquid quasi quas voluptates sit.


  • Content should not primarily aim at selling products or services. It must inform or provide value on a newsworthy topic.

False or Misleading Information:

  • Submissions must be accurate and truthful. Content that is verifiably false or misleading will not be accepted.

Academic Writing Services:

  • We do not accept content promoting academic writing services, including essay, dissertation, or homework writing services.

Sexually Explicit Content:

  • Content with sexually explicit material, illegal content, or profane language is not permitted.

Link Spam:

  • Limit links to 1 per 100 words to maintain content quality and relevance.


  • Do not submit content from other sources, especially if copyrighted. Only original content will be accepted.

Duplicate Content:

  • Content must be unique. Each submission can only be distributed once, and significant portions must be original.

Third-Party Legal Releases:

  • We only accept content from law firms directly representing a party in a case. Third-party legal content is not accepted.

Potentially Malicious Content:

  • Content that promotes hatred, bigotry, or violence, or maliciously affects individuals or companies, is not allowed.

Adverse to Our Ethos:

  • Content must align with our commitment to an open and inclusive society.

Written Authorization:

  • Certain types of content, such as major corporate announcements or network marketing, may require written authorization from company executives.

Unauthorized Ticker Symbols:

  • Proper authorization is required for the use of ticker symbols.

Online Gambling:

  • Content promoting online gambling, fantasy sports, or pay-to-play models is prohibited.

Payday or Short-Term Loans:

  • Submissions promoting payday, short-term, or unsecured loan services will not be accepted.

Gun Topics:

  • Content related to the sale or components of firearms is not permitted.

Online Pharmaceuticals:

  • Submissions from online pharmacies must state that a doctor’s prescription is required and be based in the U.S. or U.K.


  • Content promoting tobacco products, including e-cigarettes and vaping, is not allowed.

Weight Loss Products:

  • Content promoting weight loss products or ingredients is not accepted.

Health Supplements:

  • We do not accept content related to health supplements, regardless of claims of legality.

Sexual Enhancement Products:

  • Submissions promoting sexual enhancement products are prohibited.

Easy Money Schemes:

  • Content promoting get-rich-quick schemes or work-from-home programs is not accepted.

Stock Recommendations:

  • Submissions promoting stock picks or financial recommendations are not allowed.

Forex Trading Platforms:

  • Content promoting Forex trading platforms or tools is not accepted. News about the Forex industry is permissible.

BlackHat SEO Tactics:

  • We do not accept content promoting Black Hat SEO tactics, such as link buying or keyword stuffing.

Viruses, Scripts, and Codes:

  • Submissions containing or linking to malicious code or viruses are prohibited.

Submission Requirements

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Id quo quod at perferendis amet sunt molestias ab. Praesentium mollitia ea laborum, earum est amet accusantium libero, quisquam qui sed debitis minus quaerat repellat excepturi? Fugiat, tempora.


  • Content must have a clear, timely, and newsworthy angle. It should focus on significant events like new products, business expansions, or organizational milestones.
  • The headline should clearly state the news announcement.

Legally Accurate:

  • For legal matters, include a case number, court of record, complaint number, or other sufficient documentation.

Financial Topics/Cryptocurrency:

  • Financial-related content, including Cryptocurrency and NFTs, must provide full transparency and include valid contact information and postal addresses on the website or social media pages.

Contact Information:

  • Include a valid contact name, phone number, and email address for follow-up.

Written Authorization:

  • Obtain written authorization from company executives for network marketing companies, stock ticker symbols, or major corporate announcements.

Length and Grammar:

  • Submissions should be between 300 and 800 words to ensure optimal distribution and search engine indexing.
  • Ensure your content is free of spelling and grammatical errors. Provide definitions for jargon where necessary.


  • Avoid all capital letters and ensure all links are functional. If your website is not operational, remove the links or wait until it is active before submitting.

Clear News Source:

  • Identify the news source clearly in the headline. If submitting on behalf of a client, the client’s company or organization should be named as the source.

Email Addresses:

  • Avoid including email addresses in the body of the content. If necessary, the editorial team will format email addresses as Name (at) example (dot) com.

Accepted File Types:

  • Images should be in .jpeg, .jpg, .png, .pdf, or .docx formats.

Submission Process

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Step 1: Preparation

  • Review existing content on Entrepreneur Insider to ensure your submission adds unique value.
  • Follow specific formatting guidelines for your content type.

Step 2: Submission

  • Complete the submission form on the Entrepreneur Insider website.
  • Attach your document or provide a link to your content.
  • Include a brief summary or abstract of your content.
  • Provide your contact information and a short bio (100–150 words).

Step 3: Review

  • The Entrepreneur Insider editorial team will review your content for quality, relevance, and adherence to guidelines.
  • You may be contacted for revisions or additional information.

Step 4: Publication

  • If accepted, your content will be scheduled for publication.
  • You will receive a notification with the publication date and link.
  • Your content will be promoted through our network and social media channels.

Step 5: Post-Publication

  • Engage with readers through comments or feedback.
  • Share the published content within your network to maximize reach and impact.

Adhering to these guidelines will help ensure that your submission is processed efficiently and maintains the quality standards of Entrepreneur Insider. We appreciate your commitment to providing valuable and accurate content to our community.

For any questions or additional support, please contact our editorial team at editor@entrepreneurinsider.co or support@entrepreneurinsider.co.